Our Range
Nursery Plants For Sale

About Fitzroy Nurseries: Rockhampton Quality Wholesale Plants

At Fitzroy Nurseries, the leading Rockhampton nursery, we are proud to stock over 400 plant species, including varieties under the fruit tree, deciduous tree, pine, flower, grass, shrub and indoor plant families. We grow everything on our own property, ensuring that the plants and trees are closely monitored and remain in their optimal condition for your purchasing.

All of our staff are trained in horticultural practices and are passionate about looking after the plants as if they were their own. We welcome shoppers to either browse our nursery and make a purchase, or to order online for purchases over $250.

For all wholesale enquiries, please contact our team on (07) 4927 3388.

Fruit Trees:

At Fitzroy Nurseries, fruit trees are our specialty and we stock a range of deciduous, citrus and evergreen fruit plants. Having a fruit plant of your favourite nature in your home relives the need to go shopping for that ingredient, having endless supply at your disposal.

Some of our favourite fruit trees, and essentials we believe everyone should have are lemon, lime, mango and olive; however, we stock everything from custard apple, to fig, star apple and seagrape.

Our entire list of fruit trees is available on our order form page.

Shade Trees:

A beautiful addition to any home, shade trees are large, leafy trees that provide an ample amount of shade wherever they’re planted. Shade trees are great because the provide not only shade but shelter, improve the air quality, contribute to climate control and most of all, add aesthetic value to your garden.

Some of the most popular shade trees we produce include the Eucalypts, African Mahogany, Poincianas, Leopard Trees, Postaman and Cupaniopsis.


Shrubs are characterised by their medium to small stout and “bushy” appearance and can be either deciduous or evergreen. Our customers love shrubs because they are easy to look after and grow quickly if planted in the right soil. Some popular shrubs that we grow here at Fitzroy Nurseries include fiddle leaf figs, frangipanis, lily pillies and more.

Pine Trees:

Pine trees are large trees characterised by their dark green needles and are often used as Christmas trees. We produce a small range of pine trees including true pencil pines, Swanes Golden, Shore Juniper, Grey Owl Juniper and Thuja orientalis nana morganii. Visit the nursery to view our range of beautiful pines.

Creepers/ Climbing Plants:

Climbing plants are a wonderful addition to any outdoor space, adding depth and complexity to a simple wall or fence. They also provide a sense of coolness and shade on hot summer days, perfect for the warm Australian climate. Our favourite that we stock is the Bouganvellia, which adds a pop of pink colour to any home.

Indoor Plants:

Having recently grown in popularity, indoor plants are the perfect way to bring the outside in and give your home a boost of colour and oxygen. We produce a range of indoor plants that are easy to look after including strelitzias, philodendrons, dracaenas and cycas.


Breezy and beautiful, palm trees add a tropical element to any garden, regardless of if you live near the beach. Fitzroy Nurseries stock a range of lush palms including Australian fan palms, Alexander palms, coconut palms, ponytail palms and bamboo palms.


Grasses add a lushness to your garden that cannot be achieved by some other plants. Small and fine in nature, grasses are able to cover a large surface area when planted together, making your garden look full and healthy. Some of the most popular grasses we stock include Agapanthus, Mondo grass and evergreen giant.

Fitzroy Nurseries

Get in touch with Fitzroy Nurseries on (07) 4927 3388 for more information about our full range of products.